How To Survive Writing a Dissertation?

Writing a Dissertation

Writing a dissertation is not a simple process. It takes time, consumes all of your energy and leaves no room for any other activities. However, as coaches claim, it can be less painful once people learn the magic tricks which can help them get through the dissertation writing process. In this article, we will introduce you to a list of things which will make this process simpler.

Tips on how to get through the dissertation writing process : 

  1. Avoid distractions.

This is valid not only when you are composing a dissertation but also when you are dealing with some massive assignment. Once you get tired, everything serves as a distraction: your email, social networks, a favorite book, or even the sounds of music coming from the other room. Your brain is having a hard time with concentrating so giving it another reason to lose focus and not do its job can be detrimental to your writing process. So, to avoid regrets that will come once you realize how much time was wasted, make sure to create an atmosphere where no distractions are allowed. Turn off your phone, log out of the social networks, close the book, and ask your roommates to keep it down. You need to be as focused as possible to write the paper sooner.

  1. Do what you like first.

Writing a dissertation will take a lot of time as it consists of many small tasks which need to be done. There will be tasks which will make you want to quit it all right away while there are other ones which you will like much better. Thus, to finish all the tasks on time, you’ll need to switch from what seems to be too boring to something more interesting. This will keep you motivated and won’t let your interest fade right away.

  1. Make your goals real.

If you set goals which are way beyond your abilities, then after a few days of trying your best and failing to meet the deadlines, you are more likely to give up. So, not to lose your passion and desire to produce an excellent piece of writing, you need to be realistic and set goals which you actually can achieve.

Overestimating yourself or setting unachievable goals will not help you succeed in the long run. Therefore, to survive, you should take smaller steps and aim for realistic achievements.

  1. Avoid multitasking.

Don’t believe the lie that you can do several things simultaneously. This is not possible unless you are doing some monotonous and merely manual tasks. When switching back and forth, you put too much pressure on your brain and make it impossible for it to focus entirely on one assignment at a time.

Therefore, if you are willing to do your best, do one thing at a time. This way you will not exhaust your brain and boost your productivity.

  1. Work even when not at the workplace.

If you are anything like me, then you know the feeling of frustration when you get an excellent idea but, having no paper and pen nearby, you cannot write it down. However, before you come back home, the idea is long gone given that thousands of other ideas have flashed through your mind since that time.

That is why people familiar with the matter recommend carrying a pen with you at all times. This will give you a couple more ideas and make the process move a bit faster.

  1. Do physical exercises.

Your brain will eventually feel exhausted from all the hard work of researching, comparing, arguing, etc. That is why you need to stretch to give your body some room to get rid of stress. In fact, it is a scientific fact that people involved in sports are more creative, as, during the exercises, your brain increases the production of neurons. On top of that, sport helps you relieve stress and refresh your body. Plus, you are spending most of the time sitting which can lead to some sedentary life consequences. So, this is essential when creating a dissertation.

  1. Eat healthily.

You need to get all the necessary nutrients from the food you consume on a regular basis. That is what the scholars state. To work efficiently, you need to consume foods which will boost your brainpower. Among such foods are blueberries, salmon, mackerel, tomatoes, whole grain cereals, pumpkin seeds, red peppers, nuts, and broccoli. These foods will nurture your brain and increase its capacity.

  1. Welcome the criticism.

It might be painful but getting feedback is essential to the process of composing a project like this. By seeing what your board expects from you and what they think you are missing in your work, you increase your chances to hit the target and create a perfect piece. However, make sure you are ready to hear the criticism, and that you can handle it. Make sure to have someone who will encourage you when you need it the most because not all of the board members understand how much their criticism influences your productivity and desire to keep on writing.

All in all, writing a paper like the one in question is a lengthy process. However, you can make it and even enjoy it if you do everything right. We hope that you will find these tips useful. If so, share what you did to survive when writing a dissertation.



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