Bariatric Surgery- Lead an active and happy life

It is the desire of every person to be fit and energetic but is often not possible because of the extra body fat which weighs the person down. The excessive weight not only has a negative impact on body image and self confidence, but also makes daily life chores difficult to perform. Obesity is a very serious health concern and its prevalence is higher than ever before. The study of medical institutions states that nowadays this disease is affecting both children and adults in increasing proportions. With the rise in people suffering from obesity, it comes into an increase in various weight loss surgery procedures.

Amongst the various commercially available weight loss methods, there are certain concerns regarding their safety and whether the benefits will outweigh the risks. A recently conducted research in Delhi has proved that both young and old obese patients can add more meaningful years to life by undergoing Bariatric Surgery. Large numbers of patients suffering from obesity and its comorbid illnesses have reported an improved quality of life after the surgical procedure. The risk of premature death is more in patients who have not had Bariatric surgery than those of who underwent surgery. Obese people who undergo Bariatric surgery are 53% less likely to suffer from premature mortality as compared to those who had never gone through this procedure. Due to the improvement in health and resolution of associated diseases, there is an overall decrease in  health care costs.

Obesity is the major cause of many potentially life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 disease and others. It has also been linked with various types of cancers such as pancreatic cancer, colon cancers, and breast cancer. Moreover, obesity has a negative impact the person’s quality of life and is an important factor implicated in social discrimination and depression. To avoid these fatal conditions and live a healthy life once again, Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is the only long term successful option for the morbidly obese group of people. This surgical procedure is gaining much popularity these days as a method for reducing excessive weight and getting a new lease of life.

Bariatric surgery is derived from the Greek word ‘Baros’ which means weight. According to top Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi, Dr Anirudh Vij, the surgery is designed to reduce the excess fat by limiting an amount of calorie intake. There are a range of weight loss procedures that an obese patient can opt from to lose weight. The various types of Bariatric surgery procedures include sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, mini gastric bypass, gastric plication and BPD-DS.

Some Bariatric surgeries procedures help lose the weight by creating a small stomach pouch and reducing the capacity. Eating less makes a person consume only the required amount of food and satisfy their hunger. The patient gets only fewer obesity-related conditions such as hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and get free from all kinds of mental and emotional problems by gaining much improved and healthier quality of life after surgery.