What is Match-Making or Kundali-Matching?
There are quite a few important factors that make a human life worth living in this world. While, a crucial one among these factors is good affinity, it is the congenial relationship between a husband and wife, that counts the most for a satisfying life. Hence, elders in India, who celebrate traditional marriages known generally as arranged marriages, attach great importance to the compatibility factor between the prospective bride and groom. The process of finding out this concord between the two is known as Match-Making. This is done primarily, by the matching of their birth charts, known as Horoscopes or Kundalis and hence this is also called Horoscope Matching or Kundali-Matching. Such a matching of the boy and the girl will act as an indicator to show if they can make a good pair and lead a happy married life together.
What a Kundali can indicate?
Kundalis can point to the nature, characteristics, personality traits, behavioral aspects and also to the likes and dislikes of an individual, quite precisely. The position of the planets at the time of birth and their transition, as plotted in the Kundali, will also indicate important happenings in the life, at any point of time and also in future. Thus, the Kundali readings of the boy and girl, can help to assess their individual merits and demerits and their agreeability as life partners, as a whole.
How is Match-Making or Kundali-Matching undertaken?
A traditional Indian marriage is performed only after Kundali-Matching, and in fact, it can even be said that it is this matching which will be the factor that decides if a particular boy and girl will be united in marriage. This process principally takes into cognizance planet Moon and proceeds with the assessment based on its placement in a sign and star at the time of birth of the prospective bride and groom, as plotted in the Kundali. This widely used process is called Guna Milan. This considers 8 broad parameters, known as Kootas, which are Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha, Gan, Bhakut and Nadi and are together called Ashtakoota.
Each of these Koota has numeric points attached to it called Guna, which total to 36 in all. When matching is done through this process, an agreement in more points or Gunas is said to indicate higher compatibility, while that in less number of points, the opposite. An agreement in a minimum of half the total Gunas, that is, at least in 18 points is required for going ahead with the marriage.
Also, the birth stars of the boy and the girl hold a lot of value in the Match-Making process, as they are believed to have a strong say on their lives and destinies. The star of one can also have impact on the other and hence, it becomes very important to look for the agreement between the stars of the pair.
It is thus believed that the correct assessment of the compatibility between the Kundalis, along with that of the stars, done by qualified and competent astrologers, will ensure sound compatibility between the couple in their married life.
Further, modern technology has greatly helped this compatibility-verifying process by facilitating Kundali-Matching through online processes, which can virtually introduce a boy and girl to each other, quite thoroughly.
Thus, Match-Making or Kundali-Matching holds great importance as an effective tool for deciding about a wedding alliance, and can really help a couple to enjoy a sound marital relationship and a blissful conjugal life.