Six common eye diseases & their symptoms

As you age, it’s likely you develop symptoms of one or more diseases associated to the eye and vision. If left untreated for a particular time, these ailments can even prove fatal especially in the case of eye cancer. Here, we’ve highlighted common eye illnesses and their underlying symptoms so do have a look.

1. Presbyopia

This usually happens when you’re unable to clearly see the objects closer to you. It’s quite a normal symptom associated to age and develops slowly. You mightn’t even notice any change in the vision until above the age of 40. Presbyopia can be treated by simply prescribing reading glasses or LASIK (laser surgery).

2. Floaters

If someone experiences tiny specks or spots floating across the field of vision, this is referred to as floaters can even be noticed in a brightly lit room or outdoor in a sunny day. Floaters can be normal but sometimes, they epitomize more serious problem such as retinal detachment especially when you see flashes or a shadow across the vision’s edge. When the number of spots you see changes overtime, rush to the eye doctor without further delay.

3. Dry eyes

Wen tear glands produce poor quality or even stop producing tears; it’s a sign of dry eyes. Eyes are usually itchy with a constant burning feel and uncomfortable. It can also lead to loss of vision in time. Doctor is likely to suggest using a humidifier in your home or specialized eye drops that are alternative to real tears. Plugs to reduce drainage may be placed in the tear ducts. Lip flow; use of pressure and heat as a treatment or application of testosterone eye cream is helpful in curing dry eyes!

4. Tearing

When wind, light and change in temperature creates itchiness or burning feeling while producing excess tears is known as tearing of the eye. Wearing sunglasses or other shielding is an initial protection measure. It can also be a sign of more serious issue such as major eye infection or blocked tear duct so go for immediate treatment.

5. Glaucoma

When pressure builds up inside the eye, the condition is often related to glaucoma. Excess pressure can even damage the optic nerve which is medically defined as primary open angle glaucoma. Since there aren’t any acute symptoms or pain to alert you, it’s important consulting a specialist after every month or two.

Glaucoma can be caused by following;

– Eye injury

– Severe infection

– Clogged blood vessels and

– Inflammatory anomalies

Eye drops or a direct surgery is prescribed as a treatment measure.

6. Retinal disorder

A thin lining on the back of the eye, constituting cells that gather images and pass them to the brain; this is the function of retina. Retinal disorder hampers this transfer and commonly includes retinal detachment, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Early diagnosis and treatment would help restoring the vision back to normal.


With any particular eye disease as well as its crucial visiting an ophthalmologist (an eye specialist) to prevent loss of vision.