In this article, we are going to talk about the various types of web hosting services that are offered by the web hosting company these days and we’ll also share with you that which one is the best suited type of web hosting for you. First let us quickly talk about the web hosting types.
Types of Web Hosting Services
Shared Web Hosting
This is the most basic type of web hosting which is offered by almost all of the web hosting companies that are in the market today. Shared Web Hosting is also the cheapest type of web hosting. This is for low or even medium level traffic websites. In Shared web hosting, your website is hosted along with the websites of others on the same server. That’s how its name become Shared Web Hosting. In other words, you are sharing the web host’s resources with others.
VPS Web Hosting
In VPS web hosting, a full fledge server is divided into some particular sections. And the people who get the VPS Web Hosting are provided that section. The full form of VPS is Virtual Private Server. That means a server is virtually divided into multiple servers but the whole section of that server is yours. This means you are not sharing the resources with others.
Dedicated Web Hosting
In Dedicated Web Hosting, you get the complete web host. The web hosting company provides you the control of a full fledge Server to you only. That’s why this is also the most costly type of web hosting. Dedicated web hosting is best suited for those websites who having lots of daily traffic.
Cloud Web Hosting
Cloud Web Hosting is a new type of web hosting in which the files of your website are stored on multiple data centers all across the world and damage of one single server will not result any negative cause to your website. The Cloud Web Hosting is basically purchased on the basis of hourly rates.
Customized or Optimized Web Hosting
This is also a new type of web hosting which many of the web hosting companies’ offers separately to their customers. For example, WordPress is getting very popular these days and owing to this thing, the web hosting companies have started to offer WordPress optimized web hosting plans. Likewise many web hosting companies have customized or optimized plans for ecommerce sites as well.
Which Web Hosting is best for you?
Now, let’s quickly know, which the best type of web hosting for you is. If you are a beginner and want to create a blog or website, you should be considering Shared Hosting first. If your traffic grows and for the people having medium-high kind of traffic you can go for VPS and in the end, if your site is gaining so much traffic, say millions of traffic, you should be considering Dedicated Web Host. Cloud web hosting could be adopted for any type of site but as per the requirements you would need its resources. If you are willing to get web hosting only for WordPress, you can also get the WordPress Optimized Web Hosting plans as well.
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