What is Gas Phase Filtration System and How it Works?

Air Borne Contamination is an unwanted result of the changing ways of life of mankind. Bigger demand for more effective products and services has prompted fast industrialization, which thusly has put unnecessary pressure on the environment into accommodating higher than safe levels of contaminations that it can securely eradicate.

Atmospheric air, particularly in manufacturing industry, is loaded with gaseous chemicals of the likes of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, hydrocarbons etc. Obviously, these are produced amid the manufacturing processes, and in the long run blend with the surrounding air. Common examples are gases generated during complex chemical processes, fuel combustion related by products, automotive fumes, etc. Other than the issue of ‘outside’ impure air, much of the time, for example in encased commercial establishments, contaminants are created either from or within the space, for instance, Formaldehyde, tobacco smoke, and other organic compounds from paint and furnishings, food smells and so on.

Gas Phase Air Filtration

The gas phase air filtration system is the perfect and most financial solution for Air Borne Contamination. Its special procedure not just cleans the contaminated air of suspended particles as well as corrosive gases but at the same time is utilized for odor removal, making the workplace healthy for you and your electronic equipments.

Gas Phase Filtration Application Areas, it is perfect for industries as different as:

  • Data Centers
  • IT / Server rooms,
  • Petroleum and Oil refineries,
  • Food Processing Plants,
  • Paper and Pulp,
  • Waste Water and Sewage treatment facilities
  • Museums and Libraries,
  • Post Harvest Storage Facilities
  • Iron & Steel
  • Semiconductor

Air cleaning–through powerful gas phase filtration equipment – is another approach to expel gaseous contaminants from the breathing air. Most gas phase filtration systems utilize activated carbon to adsorb vaporous particles.

Activated carbon is produced using an assortment of high carbon-content substances counting wood, coal, coconut shells as well as bamboo. On a microscopic level, activated carbon looks and acts much like a natural sponge, with pores and a tremendous amount of surface area. As gaseous molecules come into contact with the carbon, they are drawn into the carbon and held into place by an assortment of forces – like an attractive or gravitational attraction. Of the considerable number of adsorbents known, activated carbon is the strongest physical adsorbents, so it is a superb material for making predominant indoor air quality by expelling odours and different gasses from the air.

At the point when gaseous contaminant filtration is shown, successful filtration systems utilize a mix of particulate and gas phase filtration technologies.

How does Gas Phase Filtration System Work?

The procedure of gas phase filtration is simple. The contaminated air first passes through pre-filters which trap the suspended particles, and after that through the required chemical media beds, which chemically devastate or hold any remaining gaseous impurities. The chemical media can be activated carbon and / or activated alumina impregnated with proprietary chemicals, utilized alone or in blend – relying upon the types and concentrations of the impurities present in air stream.