Abdominoplasty: Are you a good candidate for tummy tuck?

Who doesn’t like a fit body and slimmer waistline? Perfect physic not only makes your personality aesthetically pleasing but also keeps you active and healthy. Physical fitness is equally important for working professionals and stay at home mothers. Obesity doesn’t allow individuals to carry out their tasks efficiently; rather it also increases the risk of certain diseases like heart attack, diabetes, depression and joint pain. After realizing the importance of physical fitness, you are paying special attention to healthy eating and performing physical exercises to maintain and achieve desirable fitness goals. Despite taking care a lot and following a systematic fitness regime, you have recently realized that these don’t work anymore. Diet and exercise are unable to dissolve the stubborn fat deposits from problem areas like tummy, thighs, arms or chest area. If you are experiencing the same situation you can take the benefit of suitable cosmetic procedures to get rid of these deposits.

What is tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck is a famous surgical process that is designed to achieve slimmer waistline without love handles. The procedure can efficiently remove excess of skin and fat tissues from the abdominal area and tighten the muscles. However, it should not be considered as weight loss tool. Before you take this treatment, it is necessary to see whether you are the right candidate or not. As soon as you visit a qualified plastic surgeon in Dubai to avail Abdominoplasty in Dubai, he will test elasticity, stretch marks, muscle laxity and kind of belly fat to identify the treatment suitability for you.

Are you a candidate for tummy tuck?

  1. If you possess extra skin on abdominal area and weak muscles in your belly, you are fit for this treatment. However, to take the maximum benefits from this treatment you have to be in good shape, healthy and strong enough to tolerate this highly invasive procedure.
  1. Women who have delivered two or more babies are also good to get this treatment. Pregnancy generally weakened the belly muscles in most of the women and results in sagging, loose skin and extra fat. Droopiness caused due to childbirth is hard or almost impossible to treat with diet and exercise. These reasons make it an ideal choice for mommies to restore the pre-pregnancy body contour once again. However, it should be performed if the patient is not planning to have a baby in future.
  1. Normal ageing also becomes the cause of sagginess and weakness in muscles. You can slow down the process with regular workout and diet. Though if you see it doesn’t work anymore, you can consult your doctor to see the possibilities to take this surgical treatment.
  2. Obese people who have reduced a significant amount of weight are also perfect to avail this surgery. Individuals who have undergone other weight loss surgeries like bariatric or liposuction usually left with a flabby layer of skin in the gut area which is necessary to remove to strengthen muscles while tightening the flabby skin layer. 

What should you expect from tummy tuck?

Individuals who are not in good health and still in the process of losing weight are not ideal candidates. Obese people are suggested to achieve desirable weight before they think to take cosmetic procedures. Moreover, individuals who have undergone other major surgeries may not receive an approval from their doctors to take this highly invasive procedure.

Summary: Although, abdominoplasty has a great potential to transform personalities positively, you should consult your doctor and certified plastic surgeon to check the suitability in your case.